Thermal cycling can create stresses on bonded parts that fluctuate vastly between different temperatures, from extreme cold to extreme heat, during regular intervals or on an intermittent basis. Adhesives have a proven track record for thermal applications. Learn more about their functional benefits and what to consider when choosing an adhesive for use in thermal cycling applications.

Breakthroughs in adhesive technology enable light curing adhesives to cure under a visible light wavelength of 405 nanometers. Learn how these environmentally friendly adhesives can improve worker safety and lower production costs while offering a range of desirable engineering properties ideal for many applications.

Film adhesives are an alternative to liquid adhesives. Read more about the advantages that these unique epoxies offer and why they are often preferred over their conventional counterparts. If your application involves a large surface to be joined or if squeeze out may pose a problem, download this white paper today.

Adhesives in space applications are subject to high vacuum and extreme temperatures, making adhesive choice a critical design consideration. Learn how low outgassing epoxies satisfy these stringent conditions ensuring reliable space applications.

Modern electronics have become part of our daily lives and the sophisticated electronic circuitry at the heart of these devices and systems must be reliable. Conformal coatings act as a barrier between the electronics and the environment, protecting the areas they cover while strengthening delicate components and traces.

With adhesive products, high performance and rigidity are often thought to go hand in hand. And it is true that the very best strength, thermal, chemical and electrical properties tend to be found in rigid compounds, especially epoxies. Yet there is a growing class of adhesives, sealants and coatings that add ductility to the long list of desirable epoxy properties.
